

PHI User Meeting and Data Reduction Training

It is our great pleasure to announce our next PHI User Meeting and Data Reduction Software Training has been scheduled for September 21-23, 2021 as a virtual event.  

As in previous meetings, we will provide a platform to stimulate the exchange of information and ideas. PHI will present recent news about our products along with recent applications and upgrades. In addition, and equally important, are your contributions to the meeting. We would like to invite you to share a short 10 - 15 minute presentation about your research and your experiences using PHI equipment. Topics could be surface analysis applications or features or protocols you have developed for your system that would be of interest to other users. The meeting will cover all techniques supported by PHI including XPS, HAXPES, Auger, and Time-of-Flight SIMS.

Please find registration  for the PHI User meeting and Data Reduction Training.

Agenda September 21
Welcome, Scott Bryan
John Newman, PHI- "What's New at PHI"
Roland Hauert, Empa - "StrataPHI Reconstruction of Oxide Layers, Interfaces and Molecular Coverage" 
Julien Morey, Pau University - "Investigation of Electrode/Electrolyte Interfaces in All Solid-State Batteries by XPS, Auger and ToF-SIMS Analysis Techniques
Russel Holmes, UMN - "Formation of Stable Metal-Halide Perovskite-Perovskite Heterojunctions"
Jeff Shallenberger, Penn State - "Derivation of Empirical XPS Relative Sensitivity Factors From Silicate Glasses"
Ben Schmidt, PHI - "Multi-Technique Analysis of Energy Harvesting and Energy Storage Materials"
Vivien Talghader, Seagate - "XPS for Head-Overcoat Characterization in the Hard-Disk Drive Industry"
Perry Spevack, W.L. Gore & Associates, Inc - "Sputter Depth Profiling Polymers & Coatings"
John Newberg, Los Alamos National Lab - "Surface Chemical Variation When Scanning Laterally Across a Sputter Crater"
Agenda September 22
Sebastiaan Van Nuffel, Maastricht University - "ToF-SIMS at Maastricht University: Applications and Future Work"
Greg Fisher, PHI - "Our Vast Improvement in Understanding Sample Chemistry by Tandem MS Imaging"
Recep Avci, Montana State University - "Nanobubbles Formed on a Cu/Graphene Interface AES"
Christopher N. Young, HP - "Industrial Applications of XPS and It's Role in a Larger Analytical Lab"
Sridhar Ramamurthy, Western Ontario - "Analysis of Industry Samples Using Scanning Auger Microscopy"
Jennifer Mann & Andrew Giordani, PHI - "Recent Software Developments" 
Q&A Breakout Sessions

To sign up for the Data Reduction Training and for payment by credit card over the phone, please call Anne Wilson at 952-828-6120.  Please indicate which data reduction training session(s) you would like to attend.  Session information and pricing.  XPS Multipak and TOF-DR training will be running in parallel sessions so we will try to accommodate as much as possible.  Meeting link to access individual training sessions will be sent out in September.

If paying by purchase order, please send attached copy to Anne Wilson at awilson@phi.com indicating which sessions you will be attending. 

Purchase orders should be made out to:
Physical Electronics, USA, 18725 Lake Drive East, Chanhassen, MN, 55317, Telephone: 952-828-6100.

18725 Lake Drive East, Chanhassen, MN 55317
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