

Most active applications areas of PHI XPS instruments

Application of X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy has seen growth in literary every field of science and technology in recent years due to its unique capabilities of being surface sensitive and providing quantitative elemental and chemical composition.

If we look at which area of applications are using XPS, in particular PHI USA instrumentation, the most are electronics, catalysts, environmental science, polymers, and energy storage. PHI USA instruments provide high throughput needed for metrological measurements of semiconductors, efficient charge neutralization, and spectral resolution required for analysis of polymeric materials, and unique solutions such as controlled atmosphere transfer, in situ cooling and heating, and electrochemical applications needed for a catalytic, battery, and organic electronic materials.

Four areas have the highest percentage growth in XPS application in the last five years – electrocatalysts 1-2 used in alternative fuel cell technologies, perovskites used in organic electronics 3-4 and battery materials5, textiles used as novel materials in stretchable diodes6 and supercapacitors7-8 and pharmaceuticals9.

Figure highlights figures for electocatalyst 1 perovksites3, textile10 and pharmaceuticals9 applications.


1. Morales-Guio, et al.  Nat Catal 1, 764–771 (2018).

2. Kim, JY., et al.  Nat Commun 12, 3765 (2021).

3. Liu, C., et al.  Nat Commun 12, 6394 (2021).

4. Zhang, H., et al.  Nat Commun 12, 3383 (2021).

5. Nowroozi, M.A., et al.  Commun Mater 1, 27 (2020).

6. Matsuhisa, N., et al. Nature 600, 246–252 (2021).

7. Ko, WY., et al.  Sci Rep 6, 18887 (2016).

8. Cheng, S., et al.  Sci Rep 7, 6681 (2017).

9. Wang, LS., et al. Sci Rep 11, 12410 (2021).

10. Deng, X., et al.  Sci Rep 5, 10138 (2015).

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